Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas movie OVERLOAD!!!

I am currently in the middle of a mass Christmas and Holiday themed movie download party. Guests are me and a bottle of wine (which is not very good..). The list I have jotted down so far goes as follows:
1. The Holiday
2. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
3. It's a Wonderful Life
4. Home Alone
5. Scrooged
6. Love Actually (My favorite. Makes me cry every time..)
7. Muppet Christmas Carol
8. The Santa Clause
9. The Grinch (Jim Carrey is the BEST in this version.)

Man I am freakin' PSYCHED! I can't wait to make Jason bake cookies and watch these with me.   <3

Any suggestions?      Anyone?   Anyone?   ....

Phoenix Winters

It's starting to get just a leeetle bit colder around here in the Phoenix area so I am finding myself more often staying inside downloading way more movies, throwing on comfy sweaties and curling up on the couch with the pooch and the Man.

Christmas time is here and I'm feelin' it this year for sure. It's me and Jasons first X-Mas and we put up the tree the day I came back from my parents after Thanksgiving (which was AWESOME). We would've rather done a real tree but instead had to use the ancient faux one my parents gave us. It's the same one my family has used on X-Mas since my sister and I were tiny kiddos. It's decorated with white and colored lights and a TON of "old world" ornaments given to the family from my Grandmother Marlyn. Jason and I dorkishly listened to Holiday music as we decorated our tree. I really enjoyed it.

Anyways, it's starting to get chilly and I came across this blog post by gala darling about how to keep fabulous when it's frigid outside. And I know it doesn't necessarily get too frigid here in Arizona, but I will be definitely using some of these tips to stay warm, happy and fabulous this winter. I am also going to incorporate a TON of baking delicious goodies too.   :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Purple Lipstick??

(Photo source: TUMBLR )

I've been looking and looking everywhere for the right shade of purple lippy to try. The closest I've gotten is with MAC #AB0 "rebel" in Satin. It's got a reddish pink tint to it but it's darker and very acceptable for fall and winter.

I really like the suggestions Beauty Department gave here with Purple lipstick.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Feeling inspired

I came across these videos while surfing and found myself to be very inspired. I hope you enjoy them like I do.
LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

The Tipsy Turkey Thanksgiving Cocktail from LEAFtv on Vimeo.

Midsummer Cocktail from LEAFtv on Vimeo.

Kreayshawn "Gucci Gucci" from Strange Customs on Vimeo.

I just love Kreayshawn and here hype girl. So fun.

The bottom two videos don't fit and I don't know how to fix that!! Oh well!

Monday, November 7, 2011

On being true...

(source: kushandwizdom.tumblr.com)

World English Dictionary

integrity (ɪnˈtɛɡrɪtɪ) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
1. adherence to moral principles; honesty
2. the quality of being unimpaired; soundness

Integrity is one of my favorite words. I believe myself to have learned and keep great integrity. I have great honesty in all of my relationships. I tell it how it is and expect you to do the same. But I find it hard to do so when a person I am trying to confront and/or be honest with only feels attacked when given a talking to. I therefore am tired of this and giving up on all that cannot hold an honest relationship with me and others they "hold dear to their heart". I will not sit and listen to negative words and shit talking and pretend not to give a shit when I see said person posting pictures of them hanging out with the one they were talking crap about. I feel like I can no longer trust that person and believe that they aren't doing the same thing to me. I think this is pretty plain and simple. Makes me incredibly sad but what can I do? I am tired of excuses and lies. Only looking forward and hoping for better times in the future.  c:  And if this isn't even the case then come on ova and let's talk!

And with that said, I invite all old and new friends who enjoy having great times and genuine relationships. YAY!

A little hello and my first Vlog!

Well I feel lame. I hope I can get better at this...
Leave me comments, questions, suggestions etc...!
(nice freeze frame huh?.....DERP..)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dagger Death Race Halloween.

Here are the photos from the Dagger Death Race on Saturday. We had such a blast and I cant wait for next year. I think I might even DO the race next time. It looked wild! This years theme was Cowboys and Indians.

I thought I took photos of our night but like I've said before, my phone sucks and it forgets to save the ones I take. I hope you like these and thank you for stopping by. You da best!